August 21, 2009

Jude Law in Hamlet

Once again, I lucked out, thanks to Eugene the well-connected one! Someone couldn't go last minute to the Hamlet performance last Thursday and I jumped at the chance since this was a sold-out show. And of course, what wouldn't I give to see Jude Law up close and personal?

Sorry my pics turned out quite crap since I was using my iphone to sneakily take it. Yes, the figure next to the ghostly white lady is Jude Law. Yeah so his face looks like every other ghostly white person on stage haha.

The show itself was alright, though half the time I had no clue what they were saying cos it was all in Shakespearean and it's quite hard to concentrate after a long day. It was quite a minimalistic set, kinda modern/classic costumes. The performance by Jude Law was good, portraying Hamlet as a tortured and almost mad prince. The rest of the performers were so-so, I didn't really like the 'shouting' and way of acting by some of the actors. But overall, guess it was quite a good first London theatre experience. And did I mention Jude Law? Yum.

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